CYF 2023-2024

New to CYF? Register your children and be a part of this awesome community!

Questions? Contact Melissa Whitman at 651.429.5411 or

Children’s Ministry

  • SUMMER MINISTRIES (June-Aug) Bible Camp, Vacation Bible School, Family Fellowship Events and more!

  • SUNDAY SCHOOL (Sundays, 9:40-10:20 AM, Sept-May) Three years-old to 5th Grade dismisses after the Children’s Message at the 9:30 service, end at 10:40am, Fellowship Hall.

  • REDEEMER NIGHT CONNECTIONS on Wednesdays starts with a meal served from 5:15-6:00 (pizza and entree options), followed by children & adult faith-formation for the whole family!

Faith Milestones

Faith Milestones include: Baptism, Anniversary of Baptism, Blessing of Backpacks, First Communion (4th grade), Presentation of Bibles (3rd grade), Confirmation (9th grade), High School Senior Recognition, and Blessing of Prayer Partners.


Youth Ministry


  • YOUTH GROUP: Wednesdays, 7-7:45 PM, Sept-May

    A safe place for youth to grow in Christ, have fun, make friends, and serve the community.

  • CONFIRMATION: First Saturday of the Month, 9-12 PM beginning Oct 1

    • 6-8th grade students are encouraged, strengthened and equipped for their faith journey and prepared to claim/affirm their baptism through the study of Bible stories, Luther’s Small Catechism and a handbook of basic Christian faith principles which explores Baptism, Communion, the Ten Commandments, The Apostle’s Creed and the Lord’s Prayer.


  • REDEEMER NIGHT OUT on Wednesdays starts with a meal served from 5:00-6:00 (pizza and entree options), followed by children & adult faith-formation for the whole family!

Faith Milestones

Faith Milestones include: Baptism, Anniversary of Baptism, Blessing of Backpacks, First Communion (4th grade), Presentation of Bibles (3rd grade), Confirmation (9th grade), High School Senior Recognition, and Blessing of Prayer Partners.

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Family & Fellowship Events

FAMILY NIGHTS / EVENTS Fellowship Events for all families and members are hosted throughout the year with our Partners in Ministry, Lake Area Discovery Center Preschool. Traditional events include the Fall/Harvest Family Night (Oct), the Advent Fair (Dec), the Ice Block Party (Jan), the Spring Carnival (May) and more! Watch the Redeemer NEWS! for upcoming information.