Our Mission
We believe God is is calling us to DO.
Transforming lives through God’s grace for authentic Christian living.
Our Values
These give us guidance as we pursue our mission:
Christianity is a growing experience. In order to experience transformation, we are called to move from spiritual infancy to spiritual maturity (Philippians 3:13-14, Ephesians 4:12-14). Therefore, we seek opportunities for learning and spiritual growth. Small groups are a great way for this to happen (Acts 2:42-47). As we grow in faith, we turn our hearts to God, giving of ourselves and our resources freely and cheerfully (2 Corinthians 9:7).
Scripture is our foundation for spiritual growth. We, as Lutherans, believe that scripture is the inspired, living Word of God, intended for equipping us for a life of service to God (2 Timothy 3:16-17). Growing deeper in our understanding of the Bible is the key to faith formation and authentic Christian living (Psalm 119:105).
Prayer opens us to the transforming power of God’s love. Prayer invites us into intimate communication with God (Luke 11:1-4) and enables God to communicate directly with us. It is also a primary means of supporting one another (James 5:13-16).
Relationships are essential to Christian life. Jesus loves us and as his followers, we are called to share that love with one another (John 15:12-17) and with our neighbors (Luke 10:25-28) and even with our enemies (Matthew 5:43-48). At Redeemer, people of all ages and life stages are valued and cared for.
Service to others is our calling. Jesus teaches the way of the servant (John 13:3-17) and reminds disciples often that they are called to a life of service (Mark 9:33-35). He calls us to live fruitful lives (John 15:5, 16-17). We are called to serve one another within the Christian community and to serve others in need (Luke 10:27-37).
Being Lutheran is an asset. Martin Luther’s theology helped us to see the incredible power of God’s grace. That message is a gift that the world desperately needs to hear. (Romans 5:1-11).