Generosity is Contagious

Greetings from the Stye!

“Generosity is Contagious!” That is really true!

One time I saw a mother carrying Christmas presents out of our church and putting them into her car. As she was leaving the office there were so many tears that she could not speak. That scene was inspirational. Our generosity to others inspires them to share their gifts with others. Our prayer is that our generosity may make the world a better place for everyone.

It is good for me to look at our financial picture and thank you for your generosity…and as important as it is to pay our bills…your financial giving is really a small part of your overall giving. You eagerly share your time, your smiles, your baking, your singing and playing of instruments, your listening ears, your many talents…(this list is virtually endless)! As you share you are inspiring others.

Kent Nerburn summarized generosity correctly…

“True giving is not an economic exchange; it is a generative act. It does not subtract from what we have; it multiplies the effect we can have in the world.”

Thanks be to God…whose giving knows no ending, especially as we multiply the effects of those gifts!

Your friend in the Sty…



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