• Open Hands Midway

    Open Hands Midway Inc. began as an outreach ministry of Bethlehem Lutheran Church in 1997. In 2009, the organization became a separate official 501(c) (3) nonprofit. Because of their unique location near the corner of the busy intersection of University and Snelling Avenues in St. Paul, they have a wonderful opportunity to share resources that have been donated and to engage the Hamline-Midway neighborhood and beyond to meet the needs of those who are economically challenged or homeless.

    Service opportunities:

    Monday meal

    Wednesday Meal

    Tuesday Food Shelf

    Food Rescue collection every Tuesday and Thursday from Kowalski's on Grand Avenue in St. Paul

    CONTACT: Kay Kuehn 651.646.6549 ext. 4, kay@openhandsmidway.org

  • Free Farmer's Market

    Sponsored by Second Harvest and the White Bear Area Food Shelf, Free Farmers Markets provide free produce to anyone regardless of geographic boundaries. Please check the website to watch for Summer Market dates and locations: http://www.whitebearfoodshelf.org.

    Volunteer Shifts for set-up/food distribution and food distribution/take-down will be available. Children and youth may volunteer with an accompanying parent/guardian. For more information about volunteer opportunities and Free Farmers Market opportunities, go to https://whitebearfoodshelf.org/volunteer.

    Contact: Jane Schroeher 651-491-9156 and Mark Gruner 612-393-4655

  • White Bear Area Food Shelf

    The WBAFS exists for those who live in the White Bear Lake Area School District who are experiencing an emergency or financial difficulty. The food shelf provides food, including fresh produce, dairy products and meat.

    The Food Shelf is supported by the generous donations of food and money from individuals, businesses, schools, churches, associations and other community groups. In addition, more than 90 people volunteer their time to ensure that food is stocked and ready for distribution to families five days each week.

    Redeemer donates regular offerings and sponsors regular food drives to raise donations for the food shelf, including the annual Youth Turkey Trot!

    CONTACT: Gary Eddy 651.426.5264